
Marco Gallegos


Enjoys Development and Design, Programming frontend and Backend

Work Experience

General Assembly Full Stack Software Engineering Immersive

August - October 2023
The General Assembly Full Stack Software Engineering Immersive is an intense and immersive program covering front-end and back-end web development, databases, and programming languages, designed to equip participants with the skills needed for full-stack development careers.
  • Crafting Responsive User Interfaces with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Building Scalable Server-Side Solutions with Spring Boot and Databases
  • Leveraging the Angular Framework for Dynamic Front-End Development

Dutch Bros Coffee

Worked as a Barista and Customer Service Specialist at Dutch Bros, preparing and serving high-quality beverages, providing exceptional customer service, and maintaining a clean and efficient workspace.
  • Maintaining a friendly and upbeat demeanor to create a positive atmosphere for both customers and colleagues.
  • Collaborating with fellow team members to ensure a smooth and harmonious work environment.
  • Remaining composed and professional, even during high-stress situations.


Front end

  • Mastered the foundational web technologies including HTML and CSS, enabling the creation of visually appealing and responsive web interfaces.
  • Attained a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript, encompassing key concepts like Arrays, Functions, Classes, and Methods, enhancing the ability to design dynamic and interactive web applications.
  • Developed proficiency in manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) with JavaScript, empowering the creation of dynamic content and seamless user interactions.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in making asynchronous requests using AJAX and Axios, enhancing website responsiveness and data retrieval capabilities.
  • Demonstrated expertise in version control using GitHub, facilitating collaborative software development and ensuring code integrity.
  • Acquired proficiency in utilizing Command Line for efficient file and system management, enhancing overall workflow and technical proficiency.

Back End

  • Skilled in Java programming for the development of efficient and high-performing applications.
  • Mastered the foundational web technologies including HTML and CSS, enabling the creation of visually appealing and responsive web interfaces.
  • Expertise in Object-Oriented Development (OOD), including encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Strong expertise in designing and implementing Java RESTful APIs.
  • Experienced in developing robust applications with the Spring Boot framework.
  • Proficient in implementing secure and efficient applications with Spring Security Framework.
  • Ability to manage and optimize queries efficiently with a strong command of SQL.
  • Skilled in using Rest Assured and MockMVC for API testing and automation, as well as integration testing.
  • Proficient in Test-Driven Development (TDD) practices to ensure code quality and reliability.
  • Experienced in conducting thorough testing and behavior-driven development (BDD) using Cucumber to ensure the quality and functionality of Java-based applications.

Previous Projects

Tic Tac Toe
Music Streaming API: Monolithic Backend with Spring Boot

This project is focused on developing a Music Streaming API that implements user profiles, music categorization, and personalized playlists

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Tic Tac Toe
Spring-Boot E-Commerce API

Welcome to my E-commerce marvel, forged in Java and Spring Boot! This petite yet powerful backend, hosted on Tomcat, unveils a REST API that seamlessly interfaces with an H2 database.

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Tic Tac Toe

Platform designed to inspire wanderlust and share exciting travel experiences. We've organized our project into sprints, each focusing on key features and functionalities to create a user-friendly and engaging travel blogging platform.

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Tic Tac Toe
Spring Boot ToDo Project

Created an API using maven where i created endpoints and tested those endpoints using Postman. Furthermore, I implemented Spring Data and Spring-Boot Security using JWT-Tokens.

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Tic Tac Toe
Death Square

Created an application using Angular Framework and TypScript

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Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe

Game using css, Js, and HTML

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Tic Tac Toe
Rock Paper Scissor Game

Game using css, Js, and HTML

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Tic Tac Toe
NFL SQL Project

Utilized MySQL, PostGres, and PGAdmin to query data regarding NFL Teams

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